random crap. pills that kills time for me.

Monday, May 21, 2007

an answer..


The long break that i had from blogging led me to ask myself a question that someone had asked me a loooong time ago when i had just started blogging... "why the name -'a free tree standing' ? "

hmmm.. my motivation to blog had been some events that were unfolding around me in my life at that point of time. I was certainly feeling enthusiastic just like any beginner and at the same time, besides the zeal of a newbie, I was driven by a distinct sense of freedom (or a fighting urge for it). I was riding on waves of transformation and each ripple hitting the shores of my intellectual continent (its smaller than the smallest island, i must own up :P) infused fresh lease of life to the need for happyness acheived through freedom. I wanted to announce that my trust in what i believe is deep-rooted like a centuries old tree. Hence, I came up with this name.

Anyways, after this gap that seems like a decade to me, am getting back to blogging and this new season I believe(atleast for the time being) will be exploring some elements of human nature and behaviour that I will be looking at, standing on the shoulders of some great film makers. Indeed cinema is not life. I believe it's much bigger. An attempt by some people who think differently, at drawing up a picture out of the scars and lines that they endured through a period of search for answers and more questions , a quest that we call life.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

welcome back! :)

7:20 PM

Blogger Sunil Kundal said...

fcuk .. so u did it earlier than me :p .. bloggin again, that is. :)

8:19 PM

Blogger Psychotic Philosopher said...

welcum baapu!!..keep writing aapki vocab god hai yaar

1:20 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

heyaa .. nice one ;)

7:22 PM

Blogger nova said...

The latest addition for new models of cell phones is the mobile blogging where you can now update your web blog even without logging in your personal computer. All the things you can do on Internet blogging—adding a photo from your cell phone or posting your thoughts or experiences on a new neighborhood, movie, concert, game console, or coffee shop—are done through your phone.
blogging for a living

9:06 AM


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