random crap. pills that kills time for me.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

aye(I) aye(I) , (T)eacher!!!

At 8:30 in the morning I dint know that i was going to sit in a class today which had no academic content whatsoever! Not something that obvious. Nobody would have thought of something of that sort!

But when I sat in class 17(or watever!) of my department waiting for yet another lecture on all the crazy spin orbital coupling and splitting and what not, I dint expect , though I was sure he could, my professor to engage in an informal chat with us on the sad scenario of academics in our department and IITs in general.

Well. It all started when he noticed that the number of students in the class was a bit low while taking attendance. Mind ya, students were not absent. They were in the coffee shack. They would reach in another 15 minutes. Everybody knew that. Even the professor. So he, being the most amazing chap that he is, decided to share a joke or two with us. He said something but I dint notice coz I was as usual engaged with my Fountainhead which I was obviously finding more interesting than anything that was going on in the class. If at all I was getting distracted, it was coz of the occassional drumming sprees that DOS would come up with. Mind you, even that was far more interesting than the whole teaching process going on up front.

"There was this interesting article on a survey on IITs in mumbai mirror" . I heard my atomic and molecualr physics professor saying. My head went up. Any such topic enthuses me.
"It was on the level of happiness of students in IITs by professor Tanmay Bhattacharya of HSS deptt." He said in his typical bong accent. I love bongs for some particular reason these days.:D

I listened with all possible alertness I could muster. He continued, " They said that their survey showed that IITB students are least happy while IITK ones are the most happy guys around." He said that the reason cited by the surveyors was that: " There is nothing outside kanpur and kaharaghpur IITs and other IITs while bombay has lot many things to offer which the students are missing due to academic pressure which makes bombay students sad!"

Are these the only reasons? How accurate is the survey? How can they judge our happiness? How succesfully can a questionnaire filled by IITians casually be trusted to pass a judgement like this.

Well. Speaking of other reasons, the students came up with atleast 4-5 more of them when my professor asked for it more as a gesture rather than actually asking for any! He himself came up his observation that the faculty might be failing somehow to catch the students interests. He asked us for the possible reasons for this. I could see the pain, the desperation and fear of failure in his eyes. It was not a simple question he was putting forward. It was more of an expression of the pain he faced as a professor. The passion with which he chose the teaching profession (unlike many other professors who landed up being professors!) was clear for all to see. I felt bad.

But I dont regret my ways. My not so studious approach these days has its own reasons. He rightly was talking my mind when he said that the reason of academic failures of students was that they come to IIT only with the dream of clearing JEE which they took as a challenge. And then, the moment they are here they tend to relax and lose aim and in the process screw up the first two semesters which believe it or not form the foundation for the years to come! Then on , its a chain reaction. Either they try real hard after that making up for all the loss or else end up being like me! Complacency and procastrination rules my academic schedule! How so disgusted do I feel about it. Well, leave it at that.

There are other reasons obviously. Just like there are always other wishes in a young child's mind. The pathetic state of teaching is one of the most important ones. Teaching is an art. Though I am not accomplished or in any state to comment on it I have my opinions just like any other village fool's on the reasons for a Tsunami. The teacher should more than just teach perform his part. He should ensnare the senses of his audience. He should take each and every one with him. He is not performing for the select few in the front rows. Yes, there are always the spoilsport crowd of backbenchers (not necessarily backbenchers and not necessarily all backbenchers.. its more like an imagery!) But I believe even they can be trapped by the effortless artist's performance if he is creative and aesthetic enough.

Then there are the TAs. God! I guess I dont have to say more about them. Any student who has faced any of the dunderheads seen in plenty in various labs provided as samples of how- one-must- not- turn- out- to- be would agree to it when I say that they are failures of the whole educational system. I even doubt wether the system is corrupt. Are they taking bribes and letting them enter. Or are the physics lab TAs chosen by english professors. I dunno. I will always wait for an answer to this I guess.They are moronically mechanical and boring and confusing and confused and.. and.. and.. I am lost for words to describe them. They are so precious. :P

Then came up the issues on flexibility of course structure. Why cant they (I dunno who exactly I am refering to here! anyways whoever wants to take up reponsibilty may do so! if they happen to read this that is.. which I dont expect.. so nevah mind.. lets just say "they".. the criminals, the wrong doers..:P) just make life a whole lot simpler for us ,aspiring engineers ,by letting us to do what we want to rather than what they want us to! Why does the mistake that we did by chosing one department or course due to our sheer ignorance of details of what goes on inside have to linger with us all through our precious college life?! Why cant we chose a multidisciplinary educational style.

Lets just study the boogey trap: (courtesy mah friend Ankur Dubey)

Say, a student likes a particular subject very much. He scores well and is outstanding in it. But he doesnt like and doesnt want to care about the other subjects. He gets low and pathetic grades in them. The overall score card is abysmal but he is happy. He hopes he will go ahead and pursue a detailed study in the field he liked. He tries taking an elective in that particular topic. He faces the committee. They , in a single merciless stroke, slash is dreams and turns him down. Why? coz he cant take the load according to them. I merely would say, What The Holy Fuck!

Who was wrong? what was wrong? where is the mistake? I guess I will never know. Sad part is, that poor guy might just end up with someone like me, who has no interest in anything at all. Well though, I have an interest. I might just be happy doing some interior designing or maybe open a restaurant. I love working. I dont really care the pay package. I dont want to be rich and affluent. I want to be happy! Never mind.

Thanks for reading through. Have a nice day. Take care.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey dude lovelyyy viewsssss...its reaaal catccchy and at the same it compellls to question teh entire system .............

Lovely Indeed :)

2:36 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

mallu, man u dont cease to surprise me! where the hell on earth did you come up with this balanced review of what happened in class today and the topic in general, add journalism along with interior designing and restauranting.

PS. I did not know people are listening to me that seriously, gosh I should have said more.

3:34 AM

Blogger saint nothing! said...

@sid: thanx dost.. i am flattered! :-*

dubey: i love ya man! u were good in class.. u know that. :) I had to do justice to what u said!

4:46 AM

Blogger Sunil Kundal said...

:o .. mallu don't feel offended but wat u said to dubey, just sounded like "i love ya man! u were gud in 'bed' .. u know that :)" :p :p :p
goddddd it's funny !! LMAO-ROTFL !!
well, i'll find people supporting me here, if u don't feel like that :p :p

6:43 AM

Blogger saint nothing! said...

oh well.. i see how gay ur line of thought is! :P :D :P

1:00 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

I quote, "Or are the physics lab TAs chosen by english professors."

WTF? Dude! The TA's cant SPEAK English! They can't even understand what we say half the time! Certainly not chosen by English professors, they are.

1:40 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Alright; Now my views:

1) About the course content - certainly very true. I have fundoo AAs in all comp related courses; some decent enough grades in Elec courses and abysmal grades in most Physics courses. And it's not about 1 or 2 courses, this trend is seen in ALL of them. Kinda proves it I guess.

2) Profs - I've come across very VERY few good/interesting profs in IIT. And certainly when the prof was interesting, I've done pretty well. Examples are BT and some elec courses (microp and logic circuits comes to mind). In the physics dep.. it's been a sorry tale, right from Freshie year. And now, even though Kundu's a really great prof (IMO probably much better than the elec profs), I have no enthu to sit and listen is class. Basically I'm fed-up with everything Physics and everything to do with it.

3) Labs! - Oh My God! What utter CRAP! Bhatia Lab? What was going on? Experiments have no connection with actually finding something out. TAs? puhleese! They can't even understand English!

Oh but a counter-point is - The elec labs (NTP wala) have been fun. And (many will disagree with me here) I find the spectro lab is really cool. So just goes to show that we can have some really good/fun labs if only the instructors take some amounts of pains to prepare/design the experiments.

okay, I have more to say, but the length of this comment is reaching blog-like proportions. So i'll just trail off here...

1:51 PM

Blogger saint nothing! said...

thanx SD.. expected nothing less from ya fella.. afterall we are the victims of the system!!! aint we?! :D

2:11 PM

Blogger saint nothing! said...

and yea, by eng profs chosing physics TAs all i meant was, some guy not related to physics say marathi maybe! :P

2:12 PM

Blogger Sunil Kundal said...

i knew ki tu yahi bolega .. well admit it or not, but it totally sounds like that .. :p :p

5:22 PM

Blogger saint nothing! said...

hokay.. anything for ya dude! afterall u r one who watches brokeback mountain with every other guy! :P :D LMAO!

6:57 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a loser. Although you had the intelligence to identify some of the things that are wrong with the system, what did you do to change any that? It seems, nothing. While you feel comfortable & complacent along with your "like minded" colleages who shower you with praises for your "incisive" comments on the system, get a reality check for yourself. After you pass out, what would you have to say to yourself when asked, "Mallu-boy, what did you do to change things?" After you realised it was futile to even try, you carried the Fountainhead to class,went late (if at all) to lects and pissed of all your time in the self completing company of your equally incompetent peers. A true shame.

3:23 AM

Blogger saint nothing! said...

true maan.. did i say anywhere that iam proud of myself.. just feel ashamed i did nothing either.. well, maybe if u were here in my shoes u will see its kinda diff, the world out there. And true, i dint bother to care.. sad i dint do it.. but guess i wont regret it.. just chose to report the situation.. thats all! wud u go and say the same to a reporter who reports a rape?! :P

9:42 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

you have become a part of the system....I do not expect anything from you.....but I know that it requires a genius [and not a product of some Kota factory...or should I say at the expense of 2 or more lakh rupees that people spend in Kota (it is a function of what you are and who you are)]to think above (and different) then your surroundings...and to come out of some bad system/situation...rather then being in the vicious circle and complaining..and comparing (only) the situation to a reporter reporting a rape...and getting rid of all the responsibilities...you seem highly unaware of the reality...and prefer(or chose) to live with those having same(and pessimistic and feeling-helpless-make-us-feel-good)

11:30 PM

Blogger saint nothing! said...

on a serious note: whoever the fuck u r u anon bitch, i have started teaching in life.. and bitch, i teach awesome.. i had no mental build up maybe back then to fuck the system, today am fighting it from outside.. am making mumbai IIT factory.. i will put in some strong mature kids into IITB soon.. wait n watch!!!

2:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

while searching for professor tanmay came across this article of yours...good article about the education system.you mentioned professor was so passionate about teaching.soon after that in aug 2006 professor went into a coma.i am too an ex student of him.searched google for his contact details.happy to read about him.may god bless ...

4:31 AM


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