random crap. pills that kills time for me.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Well.. Its a start!

well.. well.. everything has a first time.. so does blogging.. Havent really got anything interesting to blog right now.. ya, except maybe a recent update of my situation!


i had gone through a really disorganised stretch of time for the past 6-7 months. dont ask me why.. my frnz know.

A strong belief in my love held my hands and led me to this small cube where I am contained, breathless and stupid!

Found out recently that my love hardly loves me! wow, what a thing to realize! yea you might say that i have been stupid if i had failed to see it so far! but no. I would say that I just missed a lot of facts blinded by love! Well.. as she puts it, I have been going through an emotional saga, a family drama in which she has no interest! but then, where have all those promises gone.. where are those times we shared ?! where is my love.. where did all my efforts go?

Am I just an immature kid that she believes I am, or am i not right in trying and doing all i could to stay on in this relationship!

If I got sad and hurt myself, is that just a plain attention seeking act? Am I not getting hurt? Am I senseless? Is pain not a part of my life?

Why did i do what i did?

Can anyone give me answers?!

I would look foreward to them!


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