random crap. pills that kills time for me.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

A Simple story!

Hi all,

I just got this randomn thought of jotting down some of the academics related (read on and u will find it has nothing academic in it!) events in my life!

wont be much of an exciting affair as far as a general reader is concerned, but yea, might tickle you here and there and would be a very good round up of my academic life!

To start off.. I should give you a proper introduction to myself!

I am Abhilash.. Iam an engineering student in third year persuing a bachelors in Physics in IIT Bombay.

Now that i have told you who and where I am, I should tell ya why I am here and how I came here!

The question now is, why?

It is because of a simple reason which would be that I was stupid and dint know what i needed! My brother was an exceptional (watever!) student and managed to qualify the prestigious (again, watever!) IIT JEE exam and came to IIT Bombay to do a dual degree program here. Well.. he should have just done a bit of studies, packed his bags when he was ready for the world and looked for a job! But it was not meant to be! he had to study, had to be this exceptional scorer of whom parents can be proud. But definately not the struggling brother suffering from mega atmospheres of peer pressure!

well.. anyways not thinking about me (and according to me, abt himself) he went on studying and went on to be the topper in his class!

Expectations.. thats the word that should be deleted from the dictionary first. It is a big pain in the ass when parents have those from you! And my case was no different. I was this sweet child in class who had no ambitions but to remain alive (and kicking!) all the time.

But then, when you start getting things with ease and when you study in a school where teachers remembers your brother a lot, problems begin to surface. My favourite physics teacher used to refer to me as junior Anu Chandran (my bros name) . Then one day it so happened that i got the lowest in class in one physics exam. 1.5 out of 50 .. well, it was amazingly low! But then, that day he didnt relate me to anyone else.

I realised that when you go wrong, you are left all alone. None else cares to look at the surroundings and the circumstances. Result was that I decided to fight. I did. And interestingly enough for me, I never was second to anyone in scoring in physics from that day on in school. Then again that bad word ,expectations, raised its hoods!

Not just parents but my friends started expecting wonders from me. And all i did in return for them was bunk as many classes as possible and go play basketball. Definately i improved my game. I firmly believe that my brother still cant play a game except ya cricket which any kid who can lift a stick can boast of!

Then on , i did some real good work at tuitions just to impress some cute chicks who were in my batch. To my astonishment i found out that gals hardly need A grades from guys. All they need is a cheerful, presentable, good looking guy who is sensible, witty, intelligent within limits and really understanding and to some extent horny and sexy. Well tough combo to get. And i was definately not one. So with no success whatsoever in site i decided to fight even there. But by that time even my tuition teachers had started expecting from me.

Thats why Iam here.. Because of the expectations of a lot of people. Now going into the second question as to how I reached here. Dont expect a miraculous student's life story ahead!Its a request , plzzzz!

So, Finally some friends of mine and I decided to go to Delhi for the prestigious intensive care program by FIITJEE for IITJEE. Well, it was called a crash course and it stood up to its name. I crashed into Delhi to find it teeming with this colour that i had never seen in life. Amazing cool girls just seemed to be there everywhere. Two friends of mine and I got a chance to get glimpses of some of the hottest scenes imaginable at that age for an average mallu guy! :P

result: I crashed my way outta the run for IIT.well a rank of 2900 was no good!

well, you might be thinking how on earth I managed to get in then!

I was down, but not out. I am a fighter. If I feel I need to work on something I will.

But then, truly speaking, I had no true want to be in IIT. Though the general info that Mumbai is far more cool than Delhi(which was HOT!) was forcing me to fight hard to get into IIT through a second attempt, I was not all that interested. So again my parents put some pressure on me. And so I was bound to Kota, the JEE factory, on a Rajdhani!

I reached kota and got admission into Bansal classes and also made arrangements for stay . It was an unfinished, unfurnished house then. But I stuck on. I did a lot of hard work initially, firstly to get accustomed to hindi and secondly to get accustomed to the food there. Then I made some friends. Then on, life was easy. Lots of amazing classes like those of Prof. Rajan Khare and Prof. Bansal himself filled my mind with enough fun to last a lifetime. I was happy with what I was doing.

And finally I cleared JEE with a screening rank of 143 and a mains rank of 467.

Thats how i got in!well.. more later!


Blogger aravind said...

Yes A simple story and some times funny too in retrospect. Meaning now I dont know Why I did all that :D.

7:12 PM

Blogger sriganesh said...

he he.... good post man! loved it...

7:41 PM

Blogger All Is Whole said...

Good one man.....
So you are also a VICTIM of expectations..... :-(
read the blog on expecattions

11:35 AM


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